Signing Cases

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Once a case has been completely filled out with the decedent's personal information as required, it will be ready for its funeral director  signature (or certification). The moment the user (for funeral directors only) completes all the required tabs and clicks on Save, a new tab will appear, called the Certify tab. This tab allows an electronic “signature” to be placed on the case. If the user is not qualified to perform a signature, such as a clerk, the case will be saved and moved to the Funeral Director’s To Do list for signing. It will still be accessible by the clerk for modifications, but if a signature exists, it will be cleared and the case will have to be re-certified.




To sign a case:


1. Click on the corresponding case ID from the Welcome tab. Cases ready to be signed are listed with an action "Sign" as in the example below.




2. Click on Sign Case on the Actions menu on the right.




3. When the Certify tab appears, click the appropriate checkbox (seen below in red) then click on the Certify button to conclude. When done, EDRS will display a confirmation message for the signature.




4. When done, EDRS will display a confirmation message for the signature.

