Printing Burial Permits

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When a case has been completed, signed by the Funeral Director and certified by the Medical Certifier, a burial permit is issued. A Funeral Home user (clerk or director) may then print the burial permit.


To print a burial permit:


1.Click on the corresponding case ID from the Welcome screen.




2.Click on Print Burial Permit from the Actions menu on the right.




3.When the Burial Permit tab appears, complete Transportation by Common Carrier field(s). Note that burial permit below contains the cause of death from an offline-certified fax.




4.Adjust your browser's page settings for printing the burial permit. Instructions are available here; remember to load the Letter size paper into your printer. When you are ready to proceed, click on the Print button to preview your printout.




5.Click on the Printer Friendly Version button to select your printer and begin the printing process.

